Cryptocurrency, an interesting asset class? Nicole Junkermann's point of view - PokerStars

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Cryptocurrency, an interesting asset class? Nicole Junkermann's point of view


Yes, according to Nicole Junkermann, founder of NJF Capital, a financial company specializing in venture capital, cryptocurrency presents itself as an interesting asset class. The London entrepreneur gives us her point of view on cryptocurrency – virtual currency issued on a peer-to-peer basis.

Cryptocurrency: an interesting new asset class

Cryptocurrency is an interesting asset class. Cryptocurrency is indeed presented as an alternative to traditional fiat currencies. It is also followed by young people increasingly trusting platforms like Ant Financial from Alibaba.


The founder of NJF Capital presents here some advantages that can be offered by cryptocurrency:

  • Investing in cyber currency is a cyber currency context of the financial crisis. It may represent an emerging form of digital verthe gold, known to be a safe haven. Nicole Junkermann concludes: "Crypto is therefore, I think, a promising asset class in a financial system currently in difficulty."
  • The absence of intermediaries, which are ke two sides of the same coin (incidence government fears mentioned above), atsimultaneouslyakes it possible to "manage transactions more easily, more quickly and with little or no additional transaction costs ". "
  • confidentiality because "every transaction of cryptographic currency is a unique exchange between two parties." Nicole Junkermann cites "identity theft protection" as an example of a benefit.
  • The founder of NJF Capital also explains that globally, more people have access to the Internet than to banks or other exchange systems. Cryptocurrency would therefore be lifesaving "for the unbanked."

The cryptocurrency platforms that Nicole Junkermann recommends

Nicole Junkermann recalls that she is not an investment advisor: "I am simply sharing here my point of view as an investor passionate about new technologies. I also do not make any predictions on the decline or rise of any specific cryptocurrency.

The founder of NJF Capital, a venture capital firm , believes strongly in cryptocurrency in its holistic approach, so much so that she invested in, a digital cryptocurrency exchange system. "I believe in platforms, marketplaces, wallets and prefer not to take risks on the different cryptocurrencies".

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